Upcoming and past events

3rd IFEEA Open Conversation and Gathering
3rd online meeting for sharing the proposal for IFEEA membership structure.

Rituali di Pa(e)ssaggio / Shifting Landscapes
3rd part of the ecosomatic workshops series to rediscover the ritualistic dimension of human experience.

Rituali di Pa(e)ssaggio / Shifting Landscapes
2nd part of the ecosomatic workshops series to rediscover the ritualistic dimension of human experience.

Rituali di Pa(e)ssaggio / Shifting Landscapes
1st part of the ecosomatic workshops series to rediscover the ritualistic dimension of human experience.

EcoSomatic Connectedness and Cultural (Re-)generation
Artist talk between Raffaele Rufo, Jessica Cudney and Michelle Rozekwith presented at the 2024 EcoSomatics Conversation Series: Environmental Awareness through Movement.

2nd IFEEA Open Conversation and Gathering
Online network meeting for seeding the eco-embodied arts community.

Ecosomatic Seeds of Reciprocity: Uncovering the Perceptual Roots of Ecological Crises
Public lecture delivered as part of ROOTS dance research residency at the Italian Culture Institute of Bucharest.

1st IFEEA Open Conversation and Gathering
Online network meeting for presenting the emergent International Forum for the Eco-Embodied Arts (IFEEA)

La Selva International Ecosomatic Residency
1st International Ecological Arts and Eco-Somatic Residency, Ostia (Rome, Central Italy)

Ecosomatic Persephone: The Earthly Spaces of Theatre
Performance lecture presented at the 9th Conference of the International Platform for Performer Training (IPPT)

Eco-Spirituality Through Dance: Ecosomatic Workshop
Ecosomatic workshop delivered at “The Ecological Conversion” program of the Laudato Si’ Alliance at the Taizé Community (France).

Contact Improv and Ecosomatics in Nature
A series of monthly outdoor gatherings to meet in improvisation by engaging a dance with natural elements.

Ecokinetics: Embodying Reciprocity with Plants
Ecosomatic workshop presented at ‘(Re-)Gaining Ecological Futures - Ecosomatics’ program of Floating University Berlin.

Contact Improv and Ecosomatics in Nature
A series of monthly outdoor gatherings to meet in improvisation by engaging a dance with natural elements.

Contact Improv and Ecosomatics in Nature
A series of monthly outdoor gatherings to meet in improvisation by engaging a dance with natural elements.

Contact Improv and Ecosomatics in Nature
A series of monthly outdoor gatherings to meet in improvisation by engaging a dance with natural elements.

Contact Improv and Ecosomatics in Nature
A series of monthly outdoor gatherings to meet in improvisation by engaging a dance with natural elements.

Contact Improv and Ecosomatics in Nature
A series of monthly outdoor gatherings to meet in improvisation by engaging a dance with natural elements.

Contact Improv and Ecosomatics in Nature
A series of monthly outdoor gatherings to meet in improvisation by engaging a dance with natural elements.