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Reclaiming the Metamorphic Imagination

  • EKSUS Center for Performing Arts Helsinki, Uusimaa, 00540 Finland (map)

In this outdoor/indoor ecosomatic workshop we engage with a range of ecosomatic tools and processes of sensory attunement, movement improvisation and choreographic embodiment to explore the relation between place and passage and the creation of ‘gateways’ between matter and the imagination. The workshop materials have been developed by Raffaele Rufo drawing on over twenty years of experience in different practices - Contact Improvisation, Body Weather, Feldenkrais, theatre training, body-phenomenology, deep ecology, biological gardening, the Tango dance and other forms of social dance. In a world where roots are as deeply needed as out of reach, participants are invited to engage in the act of returning as ‘a ritual of passage’ in which the object of return and the mode of return are both transformed. Ecosomatic practice is proposed as a process of remembering a more-than-human reciprocity through durational and multisensory entanglements which extend the ritualisation of time and space to the grieving for ecological disasters and the prospects for repair.

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13 October

Rituali di Pa(e)ssaggio / Shifting Landscapes

10 November

Rituali di Pa(e)ssaggio / Shifting Landscapes